General Information About the World Wide Web

Accessible Web Site Design

Apache XML Project

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Specification, version 1.1

Cascading Style Sheets (W3C Recommendation, Dec. 1996)
Popular browsers now support Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). For the status of this document see the W3C technical reports page.

Digital Identifier System (DOI)

Discussion archives at W3C

ECMA Standard for Web Page Scripting

Gopher -- Frequently Asked Questions

HTML Quick Reference Guide at the University of Kansas

HTML to the MAX: Article by C.M. Sperberg-McQueen and R.F. Goldstein
Article HTML to the Max: A Manifesto for adding SGML Intelligence to the World-Wide Web by C.M. Sperberg-McQueen and Robert F. Goldstein.

HTML-4.01: W3C Specification (W3C Recommendation)
The current version of HTML (adopted by W3C, December 1999). For the status of this document see the W3C technical reports page. There are also some pointers to older information on HTML.

HTML: Definitive information from W3C
The latest developments are to be found nearby on the W3C Markup Activity page.

HTTP 1.1 Specification (Local copy of RFC 2068, January 1997)

HTTP Protocol: Definitive information from W3C

HTTP-NG: The Next Generation -- Site at W3C

The HTTP-NG project is interested in developing a binary distributed object protocol, for use with the Web, which is (1) optimized for Internet use; (2) at least as efficient as HTTP 1.1 for World Wide Web use; and (3) also provides direct support for remote service invocation models such as DCOM or CORBA.

Hypertext Links in HTML (W3C Working draft, Mar '97)
This article includes information about using HTML links and meta tags. It should be of interest to page authors who want to create pages that can be intelligently indexed by machine. For server keepers: information on robots.txt. See also the document on Proposed Relationship Values.

Internet Related Technologies web site
Articles and tutorials.

List of MIME Types (a.k.a. Media Types)

Lynx Browser: Where to find

Meta-Data and Resource Description (W3C, Oct '97)

Mnemonic Project
An effort to build an extensible, modular, standards-compliant web browser under the GNU General Public License.

Mozilla Organization
Most of the source code for the NetScape web browser was released publicly on March 31, 1998. The Mozilla Organization is coordinating a subsequent Linux-style development effort. A February, 2000 pre-release version of Mozilla has internal handling of Mathematical Markup Language (MathML).

NCSA HTML and WWW Resources
An excellent place to gather basic information about the web. The available information includes: as well as many other items of interest.

Privacy for web users
Does your web browsing program protect your privacy?

Search Engine Watch

Tidy: A program for translating HTML to XHTML
Something new from Dave Raggett of W3C and Hewlett Packard. This C program may be used to clean up HTML mistakes made by those nice friendly graphical authoring HTML tools. It may also be used to translate your HTML (which is regular SGML) into the XML form of HTML.

W3C Technical Reports
This is often the best place for resolving questions of current status.

WAIS (and Z3950), Information about

Web Standards Project
A coalition of web developers and users organized to stop the fragmentation of the web that results a lack of support of the web's standards by browsing programs.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
This organization might be viewed as the Web's "Chamber of Commerce". It is not an academic organization although many individuals associated with it have strong academic ties. Others have strong ties to commerical interests. Most are very bright.

XHTML (formerly HTML-Voyager): The Web's Journey from HTML to XHTML
A W3C recommendation, January, 2000. The larger context for this is given by the W3C Hypertext Markup Language Activity Statement.

XML: eXtensible Markup Language
XML is intended to facilitate extensions of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), staying within the bounds of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). The current specification, which became a W3C recommendation on 10 Feb 1998, is available at An FAQ on XML is available at See also our local pointers to information about XML.

About links to FTP in Gopher

Information for Server Keepers

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