Math 331 - February 3, 1999


Short Test: Friday, February 5, in class

Exercises due Monday, February 8

  1. Show that an affine transformation of the plane carries a parallelogram to a parallelogram.

  2. Show that there is one and only one affine transformation of the plane carrying a given parallelogram to another given parallelogram in a given vertex-matching way.

  3. Show that any affine transformation of the plane carries the point where the diagonals of a given parallelogram meet to the point where the diagonals of the image parallelogram meet.

  4. Definition. If p_{0}, p_{1}, p_{2}, and p_{3} are barycentrically independent, then the tetrahedron with vertices p_{0}, p_{1}, p_{2}, and p_{3} is the set of all barycentric combinations of those vertices. Show that an affine transformation of 3-dimensional space must always carry a tetrahedron to a tetrahedron.