Transformation Geometry -- Math 331

March 31, 2004

The Dual Projective Plane

A triple (a, b, c) <> (0, 0, 0) of real numbers can represent either a point in P^{2} or the coefficient vector in the equation for a line in P^{2}. In both cases the geometric object, i.e., the point or the line, is unchanged if the triple is multiplied by a non-zero scalar.

Thus, the set \cal{L} of all lines in P^{2} shares with P^{2} the property that its “points” are represented by homogeneous non-zero triples of real numbers. Another way of viewing this is to regard \cal{L} as another copy of P^{2}: the dual projective plane.

A key characteristic of this duality is, firstly, that a point in \cal{L}, i.e., a line in P^{2}, is determined by the set of points in P^{2} that belong to it and, secondly, that a point in P^{2} is determined by the set of lines in P^{2} to which it belongs.

Moreover, a line in \cal{L} is the set of “points” (a, b, c) in \cal{L} -- with each such “point” corresponding to the line in P^{2} having the equation a x + b y + c z = 0 -- satisfying a homogeneous linear equation A a + B b + C c = 0 with coefficient vector (A, B, C) <> (0, 0, 0). But when (A, B, C) is viewed as the triple of homogeneous coordinates for a point of P^{2}, one sees that this point of P^{2} lies on every line a x + b y + c z = 0 in P^{2} for which (a, b, c) is a “point” on the line A a + B b + C c = 0 in \cal{L}, and, moreover, since a point in P^{2} is determined by the set of lines in P^{2} on which it lies, the lines in P^{2} corresponding to “points” of the line in \cal{L} with equation A a + B b + C c = 0 are precisely the lines in P^{2} containing (A, B, C) regarded as a point of P^{2}.

Definition. A pencil of lines in P^{2} is the set of all lines in P^{2} containing a given point of P^{2}.

The preceding discussion makes it clear that a pencil of lines in P^{2} is essentially the same thing as a “line” in the dual projective plane. Another way to state this is to say that the projective plane dual to \cal{L} (the dual of the dual), which is the set of lines in \cal{L}, is essentially the same thing as P^{2}.

Exercises due Friday, April 2

  1. Show that the set of lines in P^{2} stabilized under the translation of R^{2} by the vector (3, 4), treated as a projective transformation when x + y + z = 0 is taken as the line at infinity, is a pencil of lines. What point of P^{2} is the point where the lines of the pencil are coincident?

  2. If (a_{1}, a_{2}, a_{3}) and (b_{1}, b_{2}, b_{3}) are triples of homogeneous coordinates for two different points of P^{2}, what is the significance for those points of the “point” of the dual projective plane with homogeneous coordinate vector

     (a_{2} b_{3} - a_{3} b_{2}, a_{3} b_{1} - a_{1} b_{3}, a_{1} b_{2} - a_{2} b_{1})   . 

  3. Find all fixed points and stabilized lines of the projective transformation given by the matrix


  4. Find all fixed points and stabilized lines of the projective transformation given by the matrix


    Indicate what pencils occur among these lines.

  5. Explain why every point of P^{2} lies on at least one of the lines in every pencil of lines in P^{2}.

  6. Given a pencil of lines in P^{2} how many points of P^{2} lie on more than one of the lines in the pencil?