Math 520A
Course Supplement on
Finite Abelian Groups

William F. Hammond

March 14, 2007

The structure theorem for finite abelian groups is most conveniently obtained in the context of studying finitely-generated modules over the ring of integers, or, more generally, over principal ideal domains.

On the other hand, the segment of this course on the topic of finite groups is hardly a complete introduction to that subject without at least mention of the structure theorem for finite abelian groups, and it is desirable to have a treatment that fits the context of this part of the course.

The method used here, explained to me by Professor Alexandre Tchernev, is based on analysis of the case of a finite abelian group of prime power order in the spirit of “Nakayama's Lemma” from the subject of commutative algebra.

The structure theorem for finite abelian groups is the following:

Theorem 1.   Every finite abelian group is isomorphic to a direct product of finite cyclic groups Zm1Z×Zm2Z××ZmrZ where the moduli are positive and successively divisible, i.e., 1m1|m2||mr.

In view of the Chinese Remainder Theorem, i.e., gcdm,n=1ZmnZZmZ×ZnZ, this theorem is equivalent to the following:

Theorem 2.   Every finite abelian group is isomorphic to a direct product of finite cyclic groups of prime power order.

The proof will proceed in stages.

Proposition 3.   A finite abelian group is isomorphic to the direct product of its distinct Sylow subgroups.

Proof. If G is a given finite abelian group, then each of its Sylow p-subgroups must be normal in G since every subgroup of an abelian group is normal. Since for a given prime p all Sylow p-subgroups are conjugate to each other, it follows that for each prime p dividing the order of G there is one and only one Sylow p-subgroup Hp. Since these subgroups are all normal the map pHpφG given by φh1,h2,,hr=h1h2hr, where hiHpi for the distinct primes p1,p2,,pr dividing G, must be a group homomorphism. Since the orders of the groups Hpi are pairwise coprime, the homomorphism φ must be injective, and since the domain and target of φ both have the same number of elements, φ must, since injective, be bijective. Thus G is isomorphic via φ to the direct product of its Sylow subgroups.

Definition 4.   The exponent of a finite group G is the least positive integer k such that xk=1 for all xG.

Example. The exponent of the symmetric group S4 (which has order 24) is 12. The largest order of any element in S4 is 4.

Corollary 5.   The exponent of a finite abelian group is always the order of at least one of its elements.

Proof. In view of the preceding proposition the question reduces to the case of a finite abelian group having prime power order. In that case the statement is obvious.

To prove theorem 2 it suffices to prove that a finite group with order a power of p, where p is prime, is isomorphic to the direct product of cyclic groups. If A is a finite abelian group of order A=pm, with group law written additively, then the set pA=pxxA is a subgroup of A, and A¯ will denote the quotient A¯=ApA.

Lemma 6.   If A is a finite abelian group of order pm, p prime, then ApA unless A0.

Proof. If A is non-trivial, then its exponent must be pk for some k1, and, clearly, the exponent of pA is then pk1. Since A and pA have different exponents, they cannot be equal.

Example. If e1,,er are integers with ej1 for 1jr, then AZpe1Z×ZperZA¯ZpZr. In this example note that if xj is a generator of the j-th factor ZpejZ and x¯j=πxj, where π is the quotient homomorphism from A to A¯, then x¯1,,x¯r generate A¯. Moreover, A¯ is a vector space over the field ZpZ, and x¯1,,x¯r is a basis of A¯. Unfortunately, showing that a finite abelian group A with order pm is isomorphic to a direct product of cyclic groups is a bit more complicated than finding a basis of A¯ as a vector space over ZpZ.

Proposition 7.   If G is a finite abelian group of order pm, p prime, and x1,,xr elements of G for which x¯1,,x¯r generate G¯, then x1,,xr generate G.

Proof. Let H be the subgroup of G generated by x1,,xr, and let π:GG¯ be the quotient homorphism. Let φ be the homomorphism obtained by following the quotient homomorphism GGH with the quotient homomorphism GHGH¯. Clearly pG is contained in the kernel of φ, hence, by the universal mapping property for quotients one obtains a homomorphism φ¯:G¯GH¯. The image of φ¯ is the same as the image of φ, and, therefore, is GH¯ since φ is the composition of two surjective homomorphisms. The kernel of φ¯ is the image under π of the kernel of φ. The kernel of φ is the subgroup H+pG of G generated by the set HpG. Since πpG=0, the kernel of φ¯ is simply πH. But πH=G¯ by hypothesis, and, therefore GH¯=Imageφ¯0, i.e., pGH=GH. Hence, GH0, i.e., G is generated by x1,,xr.

Corollary 8.   If G is a finite abelian group of order pm, p prime, and x1,,xr elements of G, then x1,,xr form a minimal set of generators of G if and only if x¯1,,x¯r form a basis of G¯ as a vector space over ZpZ.

Corollary 9.   If G is a finite abelian group of order pm, p prime, and x1,,xk elements of G for which x¯1,,x¯k are linearly independent, then there is a minimal set of generators of G containing x1,,xk.

Proof. The first of these corollaries is obvious from what was previously shown. The second follows from the fact that any linearly independent set in a finite-dimensional vector space over a field is part of some basis of that vector space.

Example. For the group Z2Z×Z4Z the set 1,1,0,1 is a minimal generating set.

Proposition 10.   If G is a finite abelian group of order pm, p prime, then G is isomorphic to the direct product Zpe1Z××ZperZ for some sequence of positive integers e1,,er with e1er.

Proof. When x1,,xr is a minimal set of generators of G with xj having order pej, it will always be assumed that the sequence is arranged in such a way that the orders increase, i.e., e1er. Among all so-arranged minimal sets of generators of G choose one for which the sequence of orders is lexicographically smallest. (Note that this is not the case for the particular minimal generating set in the example given above following corollary 9.) Define the group homomorphism φ:ZrG by the formula φn1,,nr=n1x1++nrxr. Clearly, φ is surjective since x1,,xr generate G. The proof of the proposition will have been obtained if it is shown that n1,,nrKerφ if and only if nj0modpej for 1jr. Clearly, the simultaneous congruences are sufficient for membership in the kernel. Suppose now that n1,,nr is in the kernel, but at least one of the coordinates nj does not satisfy the desired congruence. Suppose s is the smallest such value of the index j. Then nsxs++nrxr=0 and, therefore, nsx¯s++nrx¯r=0. Since x¯s,,x¯r are linearly independent over the field ZpZ, it follows that nj0modp for the indices j with sjr. Let pk be the highest power of p dividing all of the integers ns,,nr, and let nj=pkmj for sjr. Let y=msxs++mrxr. By the choice of the exponent k one has mj0modp for some j, sjr. Since x¯s,,x¯r are linearly independent over ZpZ, one finds that y¯=msx¯s++mrx¯r0. Hence, the set x¯1,,x¯s1,y¯ is linearly independent, and, therefore, by corollary 9, may be completed to a basis x¯1,,x¯s1,y¯s,,y¯r of G¯ where ys=y. Since ns=pkms0modpes, one sees that 1k<es, which is to say that the set x1,,xs1,ys,,yr -- which is a minimal generating set by proposition 7 -- is lexicographically smaller than x1,,xr contrary to the choice of x1,,xr.