Math 331 - April 14, 1999

The Classification of Isometries of R^{3}

Assignment for Monday, April 19

  1. Let L be the lattice in R^{2} consisting of all integer linear combinations of the two points (5, 0) and (3, 4).

    1. Why might someone say that the lattice L is rhombic ?

    2. Find the group of all isometries of the plane that leave L invariant.

  2. As distributed in class on April 14, this exercise was stated incorrectly. The exercise was revised and the revision distributed to the class on April 16.

  3. (Continuation.) Let H be the set of orthogonal matrices U that leave Lambda invariant. Show that H is a finite group; i.e., show that H is a subgroup of the group of all orthogonal matrices and that H is a finite set.

  4. How much of the classification of the isometries of the plane would be obtained by pursuing a discussion for dimension 2 that is parallel to the discussion above for dimension 3 ?