Math 331 - March 10, 1999

Isometries of the Plane

See also the discussion of February 22

A rotation matrix is a 2 \times 2 orthogonal matrix of determinant 1. It always has the form

cos t - sin t
sin t cos t

) .

A reflection matrix is a 2 \times 2 orthogonal matrix of determinant -1. It always has the form

cos t sin t
sin t - cos t

) .

Classification Chart

The number in each box indicates the number of parameters for that type of isometry.

fixed points rotations (3) reflections (2)
no fixed points translations (2) glide reflections (3)

Reflections and Glide Reflections

An isometry is orientation-reversing if and only if it has the form f(x) = U x + b where U is a reflection matrix. In this case let

b' = {1}/{2}(1 - U) b and b'' = {1}/{2}(1 + U) b .

Then one has the decomposition

f = tau_{b''} \circ sigma where sigma(x) = U x + b'

of f as the reflection sigma (since b' is in the image of 1 - U -- see the discussion of February 22) followed by the translation tau_{b''}, a translation that is parallel to the axis of sigma. Thus, f is a reflection if and only if (1 + U)b = 0 since then the translation by the vector b'' is the identity map. Otherwise f is a glide reflection.

Whether f is a reflection or a glide reflection, it has an axis that is the axis of the reflection sigma.

Note that the parallel class of the axis of f depends only on U and not on b. In fact the axis of f is always parallel to the eigenspace of U for the eigenvalue 1, which is the same thing as the null space of the matrix 1 - U.

Note further that the null space of 1 - U is the image of mulitplication by 1 + U, and ``dually'' the null space of 1 + U is the image of multiplication by 1 - U. In fact,

p = {1}/{2}(1 - U) and q = {1}/{2}(1 + U)

give rise to linear maps that are known in linear algebra as orthogonal projections. One has the relations p^{2} = p, q^{2} = q, pq = 0, qp = 0, p + q = 1, and q - p = U.

Assignment for Friday, March 12

  1. Study all of the material above.

  2. Catch up on previous exercise sets.

  3. Remember that there will be a midterm test on Monday, March 22.