Math 331 - February 8, 1999


Exercises due Wednesday, February 10

  1. How many different affine transformations of the plane permute the vertices of a given triangle?

  2. How many of the 24 permutations of the vertices of a non-rectangular parallelogram may be realized with an affine transformation?

  3. Let f(x) = Ax be the linear transformation of the plane where A is the matrix

    A = {1}/{5} (
    ) .
    1. What points x of the plane are ``fixed'' by f, i.e., satisfy f(x) = x ?

    2. What lines in the plane are carried by f to other lines?

    3. What lines L in the plane are ``stabilized'' by f, i.e., satisfy the condition that f(x) is on L if x is on L ?

  4. Let O denote the origin, and let P_{1}, ..., P_{n} be any points of R^{m}. Show that the n+1 points O, P_{1}, ..., P_{n} are barycentrically independent if and only if the n points P_{1}, ..., P_{n} are linearly independent.