Math 331 Assignment

February 1, 1999


Exercises due Wednesday, February 3.

Let A, B, and C be the points in the Cartesian plane that are given by

A = (0, -1) B = (3, 4) and C = (-1, 1) ,

and let T be the triangle with vertices A, B, and C.

  1. Find an affine transformation f of the plane for which f(0, 0) = A, f(1, 0) = B, and f(0, 1) = C.

  2. Is more than one solution of the preceding exercise possible?

  3. Let f and g be the affine maps from the Cartesian plane R^{2} to itself that are defined by

    f(x) = R x + r and g(x) = S x + s .

    Compute g \circ f and f \circ g, where `\circ ' denotes composition of maps.
  4. Could the plane be replaced by 3-dimensional space in the preceding exercise? What about N-dimensional space?

  5. Prove that an affine map is a linear map in the sense of second year undergraduate ``linear algebra'' if and only if it carries the origin of its domain to the origin of its target.