Math 220 - April 14, 1999

Linear Maps and Inner Products

Quiz: Monday, April 19

Assignment for Friday, April 16

  1. Show that the formula I(x, y) = 5 x_{1} y_{1} - 2(x_{1} y_{2} + x_{2} y_{1}) + x_{2} y_{2} defines an inner product on R^{2}.

  2. What is the length of the vector (a, b) relative to the inner product in the preceding exercise?

  3. What is the orthogonal complement in R^{2} of the line 2 x + y = 0 relative to:

    1. the standard inner product?

    2. the inner product I(x, y) = 5 x_{1} y_{1} - 2(x_{1} y_{2} + x_{2} y_{1}) + x_{2} y_{2} ?

  4. Find the orthogonal complement relative to the standard inner product in R^{3} of the following linear subspaces:

    1. The plane 2 x - y + 3 z = 0.

    2. The line given by t (-1, 2, 5), where t is a parameter.

    3. The line of points satisfying the equations 2 x + y - z = x - 3 y + 2 z = 0.

  5. Let f be the linear map from R^{2} to itself given by f(x) = M x where M is the matrix

    ) .

    Find the matrix of f relative to the orthonormal basis { (2/SQRT{5}, 1/SQRT{5}), (-1/SQRT{5}, 2/SQRT{5}) } .

  6. Show that the inverse and the transpose of an orthogonal matrix are also orthogonal matrices.

  7. Show that the product of two orthogonal matrices is an orthogonal matrix.

  8. Show that the determinant of an orthogonal matrix must be {+/-} 1.