Math 220 - March 26, 1999

The Vector Space of Polynomials of Given Degree

Recess Schedule

This course will meet on Wednesday, March 31, but will not meet on Monday, April 5. There will be a quiz on April 7.

Assignment for Monday, March 29

  1. Let phi be the linear map from P_{2} to R^{3} defined by phi(f) = (f(0), f'(0), f''(0)), and let psi be the linear map from R^{3} to P_{2} defined by (psi(a_{1}, a_{2}, a_{3}))(t) = a_{1} + a_{2} t + a_{3} t^{2}/2.

    1. Compute the composition phi \circ psi.

    2. Compute the composition psi \circ phi.

    3. Compute the composition (phi \circ D \circ psi)(a_{1}, a_{2}, a_{3}).

    4. Find a 3 \times 3 matrix M such that the linear map from R^{3} to R^{3} given by M is equal to phi \circ D \circ psi.

  2. Let g_{k}(t) = t^{k}/k! for 0 <= k <= n. What does Taylor's Theorem (from second semester calculus) tell us about these functions in relation to the vector space P_{n} ?

  3. If M is an m \times n matrix, then the row space of M is the set of all vectors in R^{n} that are linear combinations of the rows of M.

    1. Explain why the row space of M does not change when row operations are performed on M.

    2. Explain how to find a basis of the row space of M.

  4. If M is an m \times n matrix, then the column space of M is the set of all vectors in R^{m} that are linear combinations of the columns of M.

    1. Use a simple example to show that the column space of M changes when row operations are performed on M.

    2. Explain why the answer to the question

      Which columns of M are linearly independent?

      does not change when row operations are performed on M.
    3. Explain how to find a basis of the column space of M.

    4. Explain why one always arrives at the same reduced row echelon form for a given matrix regardless of the particular sequence of row operations that is used to obtain it.

  5. Explain why the row space of a matrix and the column space of a matrix must always have the same dimension.