Math 220 - February 8, 1999


Assignment for Wednesday, February 10

  1. Let f be the transformation of the plane given by f(x) = Ax where A is the matrix

    {1}/{SQRT{2}} {1}/{SQRT{2}}
    -{1}/{SQRT{2}} {1}/{SQRT{2}}
    ) .

    1. Plot f(x) for several of the points x = ( cos theta, sin theta) on the unit circle.

    2. Describe what f does to every point on the unit circle.

    3. Observing that every point in the plane can be represented as rx where r > 0 is a scalar and x is a point on the unit circle, describe f as a motion of the plane.

  2. Let A and B be the matrices

    A = (
    1 1
    0 1
    ) and B = (
    0 1
    -1 0
    ) .

    Compute the two matrix products AB and BA.

  3. Let A and B be the matrices

    A = (
    cos a - sin a
    sin a cos a
    ) and B = (
    cos b - sin b
    sin b cos b
    ) .

    Compute the matrix product AB.

  4. Let f be the transformation of space given by f(x) = Ux where U is the matrix

    0 0 1
    0 1 0
    1 0 0
    ) .

    Describe f as a motion of space.