Linear Algebra (Math 220)
Assignment due Tuesday, April 29


Expect a quiz.

The Characteristic Equation

If, relative to a given coordinate system in an n-dimensional vector space V, the columns of an invertible n×n matrix Q form a basis of that vector space relative to which a linear transformation that is represented in the given coordinate system by a matrix M is diagonalized, i.e., represented by a diagonal matrix D, then Q1MQ=D. Equivalently MQ=QD, and, taking the jth column one sees that MQj=MQj=QDj=QDj=djjQj. Thus, the member Qj of the diagonalizing basis must lie in the kernel of the linear function represented in the given coordinate system by the matrix Mdjj1n, where 1n denotes the n×n identity matrix. Thus, each Qj may be found by computing the kernel of Mt1n when t=djj, and the diagonal elements djj of D may be found among the roots of the characteristic polynomial of M detMt1n=0. A root of the characteristic polynomial is called an eigenvalue of M and a coordinate column v0 with the property that Mv=λv for some eigenvalue λ of M is called an eigenvector of M. (Moreover, the eigenvalues of M and the elements of V represented in the given coordinate system by the eigenvectors of M may also be called eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the underlying linear transformation of V.)


  1. Is 1011 the matrix of the reflection in some line?

  2. Find the matrix of the reflection of R3 in the plane 6x2y+3z=0

  3. Find the characteristic polynomial and its roots for each of the matrices 3443and1011.

  4. Let S be the 3×3 matrix 1062658283. Find an orthogonal matrix U and a diagonal matrix D such that S=UDU1.