\documenttype{article} \surtitle{Univ at Albany: W. F. Hammond: Honors Calculus} \title{Notes on Newton's Method} \subtitle{Supplementary Material for Honors Calculus\\ Originally prepared in the Fall Semester 1995} \date{Revised for the Web: July 27, 2004} \macro{\@.}{\aos;} \macro{\@,}{\aoc;} \newcommand{\ritem}{\item[\label[:series="x" % ]{}(\series[:type="a"]{\evalref{\popkey}})]} \nobanner \begin{document} \bold{Proposition}: Let $f$ be a function that is differentiable on an interval $I$ and assume further: \begin{menu} \ritem The derivative $f'$ is either positive throughout $I$ or negative throughout $I$\@. \ritem The derivative $f'$ is either steadily increasing in $I$ or steadily decreasing in $I$\@. \ritem There are points $a, b$ in $I$ for which $f(a)$ and $f(b)$ are both non-zero with opposite sign. \end{menu} Then: \begin{enumerate} \item There is one and only one point $z$ in $I$ for which $f(z) = 0$\@. \item If $x$ is on the \bold{convex} side of the graph of $f$ in $I$\@, then so is $x' = x - f(x)/f'(x)$\@, and $x'$ lies between $x$ and $z$\@. \item Successive iterations of Newton's method beginning with a point $x$ on the \bold{convex} side of the graph of $f$ in $I$ will converge to $z$\@. \item \emph{Error control principle.} \ If $c$ is any point in $I$ on the \bold{concave} side of the graph of $f$ and $x$ is on the \bold{convex} side, then the distance between $x$ and $z$ is at most the absolute value of $f(x)/f'(c)$\@. \end{enumerate} \slnt{Proof:} If $f'$ is positive in $I$ one has $f(x_1) < f(x_2)$ whenever $x_1 < x_2$ in $I$. If instead $f'$ is negative in $I$, then one has $f(x_1) > f(x_2)$ for $x_1 < x_2$\@. For this reason there is \emph{at most} one root $z$ in $I$ with $f(z)=0$\@. The \emph{Intermediate Value Theorem for Continuous Functions} guarantees that there is at least one root between $a$ and $b$\@. We shall assume that $f'$ is positive and increasing. One may reduce each of the other three cases to this case by reflecting either in the horizontal axis or in the vertical line $x=z$ or both. Under this assumption the convex side of the graph of $f$ is the right side. Suppose that $z < x$: then $0=f(z) < f(x)$\@. We apply the Mean Value Theorem to $f$ on the interval $[z,x]$ to conclude that there is a number $u$ with $z < u < x$ for which \[ f(x) - f(z) = f'(u)(x - z) \ \eos \] Since $f(z)=0$ and $f'(u) > 0$\@, one obtains \[ x - z = \frac{f(x)}{f'(u)} \ \eos \] Since $f'$ is increasing, we find $f'(u) < f'(x)$\@, and, therefore, $f(x)/f'(x) < f(x)/f'(u)$\@. Consequently, $z < x' < x$\@. In view of (2) one has \[ z < \ldots < x_n < \ldots < x_2 < x_1 \ \eos \] Letting \[ x_* = \mbox{inf}_{(n \geq 1)} \ \balbr{x_n} \ \cma \] one has \[ x_* = \func{lim}_{n \rightarrow \infty} \ x_n \ \cma \] and, therefore, taking the limit as \(n \rightarrow \infty\) on both sides of the relation \[ x_{n+1} = x_n - \frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)} \ \cma \] one finds that $f(x_*) = 0$\@. Since by (1) there is only one root of $f$ in $I$, it follows that $x_* = z$\@. In the proof of (2) we saw that for $x$ in $I$ on the right side of $z$ the distance from $x$ to $z$ is $f(x)/f'(u)$\@, where $z