\documenttype{article} \title{About the Gamma Function} \subtitle{Notes for MAT 113 Honors, \\ Originally Prepared, Spring 1995} \newcommand{\bc}{\begin{center}} \newcommand{\ec}{\end{center}} \newcommand{\intp}{\int_0^{\infty}} \newcommand{\intao}[1]{\int_{-\infty}^{#1}} \newcommand{\limk}{\mbox{lim}_{k \rightarrow \infty}} \newcommand{\limn}{\mbox{lim}_{n \rightarrow \infty}} \newcommand{\limt}{\mbox{lim}_{t \rightarrow 0}} \newcommand{\lim}{\mbox{lim}} \newcommand{\log}{\func{log}} \newcommand{\sumkn}{\sum_{k=1}^n} \newcommand{\stdsum}[1]{\sum_{#1=1}^{\infty}} \newcommand{\stdprod}[1]{\prod_{#1=1}^{\infty}} \newcommand{\npfrac}[2]{\bal{1 + \frac{#1}{#2}}} \begin{document} \section{Basic Facts about the Gamma Function} The Gamma function is defined by the improper integral \[ \Gamma(x) = \intp t^x e^{-t} \frac{dt}{t} \int: \ . \] The integral is absolutely convergent for $ x \geq 1 $ since \[ t^{x-1} e^{-t} \leq e^{-t/2} \ , \quad t \gg 1 \ \] and $\intp e^{-t/2} dt \int: $ is convergent. The preceding inequality is valid, in fact, for all $x$. But for $ x < 1 $ the integrand becomes infinitely large as $t$ approaches $0$ through positive values. Nonetheless, the limit \[ \lim_{r \rightarrow 0+} \int_r^1 t^{x-1} e^{-t} dt \int: \] exists for $ x > 0 $ since \[ t^{x-1} e^{-t} \leq t^{x-1} \] for $t > 0$, and, therefore, the limiting value of the preceding integral is no larger than that of \[ \lim_{r \rightarrow 0+} \int_r^1 t^{x-1} dt \int: = \frac{1}{x} \ . \] Hence, $\Gamma(x)$ is defined by the first formula above for all values $ x > 0 $. If one integrates by parts the integral \[ \Gamma(x + 1) = \intp t^x e^{-t} dt \int: \ , \] writing \[ \intp udv \int: = u(\infty)v(\infty) - u(0)v(0) - \intp vdu \int: \ ,\] with $dv = e^{-t}dt$ and $u = t^{x}$, one obtains the \emph{functional equation} \[ \Gamma(x+1) = x \Gamma(x) \ , \ \ x > 0 \ . \] Obviously, $\Gamma(1) = \intp e^{-t} dt \int: = 1 $, and, therefore, $\Gamma(2) = 1 \cdot \Gamma(1) = 1$, \ $\Gamma(3) = 2 \cdot \Gamma(2) = 2!$, \ $\Gamma(4) = 3 \Gamma(3) = 3!$, \ldots, and, finally, \[ \Gamma(n+1) = n! \] for each integer $n > 0$. Thus, the gamma function provides a way of giving a meaning to the ``factorial'' of any positive real number. Another reason for interest in the gamma function is its relation to integrals that arise in the study of probability. The graph of the function $\varphi$ defined by \[ \varphi(x) = e^{-x^2} \] is the famous ``bell-shaped curve'' of probability theory. It can be shown that the anti-derivatives of $\varphi$ are not expressible in terms of elementary functions. On the other hand, \[ \Phi(x) = \intao{x} \varphi(t) dt \int: \] is, by the fundamental theorem of calculus, an anti-derivative of $\varphi$, and information about its values is useful. One finds that \[ \Phi(\infty) = \intao{\infty} e^{-t^2} dt \int: = \Gamma(1/2) \] by observing that \[ \intao{\infty} e^{-t^2} dt \int: = 2 \cdot \intp e^{-t^2} dt \int: \ , \] and that upon making the substitution $t=u^{1/2}$ in the latter integral, one obtains $\Gamma(1/2)$. To have some idea of the size of $\Gamma(1/2)$, it will be useful to consider the qualitative nature of the graph of $\Gamma(x)$. For that one wants to know the derivative of $\Gamma$. By definition $\Gamma(x)$ is an integral (a definite integral with respect to the dummy variable \ $t$) of a function of $x$ and $t$. Intuition suggests that one ought to be able to find the derivative of $\Gamma(x)$ by taking the integral (with respect to $t$) of the derivative with respect to $x$ of the integrand. Unfortunately, there are examples where this fails to be correct; on the other hand, it is correct in most situations where one is inclined to do it. The methods required to justify ``differentiation under the integral sign'' will be regarded as slightly beyond the scope of this course. A similar stance will be adopted also for differentiation of the sum of a convergent infinite series. Since \[ \frac{d}{dx} t^x = t^x(\log t) \ , \] one finds \[ \frac{d}{dx} \Gamma(x) = \intp t^x (\log t) e^{-t} \frac{dt}{t} \int:\ , \] and, differentiating again, \[ \frac{d^2}{dx^2} \Gamma(x) = \intp t^x (\log t)^2 e^{-t} \frac{dt}{t} \int: \ . \] One observes that in the integrals for both $\Gamma$ and the second derivative $\Gamma''$ the integrand is always positive. Consequently, one has $\Gamma(x) > 0$ and $\Gamma''(x) > 0$ for all $x > 0$. This means that the derivative $\Gamma'$ of $\Gamma$ is a strictly increasing function; one would like to know where it becomes positive. If one differentiates the functional equation \[ \Gamma(x+1) = x \Gamma(x) \ , \ \ x > 0 \ , \] one finds \[ \psi(x+1) = \frac{1}{x} + \psi(x) \ , \ \ x > 0 \ , \] where \[ \psi(x) = \frac{d}{dx} \log\Gamma(x) = \frac{\Gamma'(x)}{\Gamma(x)} \ , \] and, consequently, \[ \psi(n+1) = \psi(1) + \sum_{k=0}^{n} \frac{1}{k} \sum:\ . \] Since the harmonic series diverges, its partial sum in the foregoing line approaches $\infty$ as $x \rightarrow \infty$. Inasmuch as $\Gamma'(x) = \psi(x)\Gamma(x)$, it is clear that $\Gamma'$ approaches $\infty$ as $x \rightarrow \infty$ since $\Gamma'$ is steadily increasing and its integer values $(n-1)!\psi(n)$ approach $\infty$. Because $2 = \Gamma(3) > 1 = \Gamma(2)$, it follows that $\Gamma'$ cannot be negative everywhere in the interval $2 \leq x \leq 3$, and, therefore, since $\Gamma'$ is increasing, $\Gamma'$ must be always positive for $x \geq 3$. As a result, $\Gamma$ must be increasing for $x \geq 3$, and, since $\Gamma(n + 1) = n!$, one sees that $\Gamma(x)$ approaches $\infty$ as $x \rightarrow \infty$. It is also the case that $\Gamma(x)$ approaches $\infty$ as $x \rightarrow 0$. To see the convergence one observes that the integral from $0$ to $\infty$ defining $\Gamma(x)$ is greater than the integral from $0$ to $1$ of the same integrand. Since $e^{-t} \geq 1/e$ for $0 \leq t \leq 1$, one has \[\Gamma(x)>\int_0^1 (1/e)t^{x-1}dt\int: = (1/e)\balsb{\frac{t^x}{x}}_{t=0}^{t=1}=\frac{1}{ex}\ .\] It then follows from the mean value theorem combined with the fact that $\Gamma'$ always increases that $\Gamma'(x)$ approaches $-\infty$ as $x \rightarrow 0$. Hence, there is a unique number $c > 0$ for which $\Gamma'(c) = 0$, and $\Gamma$ decreases steadily from $\infty$ to the minimum value $\Gamma(c)$ as $x$ varies from $0$ to $c$ and then increases to $\infty$ as $x$ varies from $c$ to $\infty$. Since $\Gamma(1) = 1 = \Gamma(2)$, the number $c$ must lie in the interval from $1$ to $2$ and the minimum value $\Gamma(c)$ must be less than $1$. \begin{display} \includegraphics[:scale="0.3" description="Image: graph of Gamma" ]{grmplgamma}\\ Figure~1: The graph of $\Gamma$ \end{display} Thus, the graph of $\Gamma$ (see Figure~1) is concave upward and lies entirely in the first quadrant of the plane. It has the $y$-axis as a vertical asymptote. It falls steadily for $0 < x < c$ to a postive minimum value $\Gamma(c) < 1$. For $x > c$ the graph rises rapidly. \section{Product Formulas} It will be recalled, as one may show using l'H\^opital's Rule, that \[ e^{-t} = \limn \bal{1-\frac{t}{n}}^n \ . \] From the original formula for $\Gamma(x)$, using an interchange of limits that in a more careful exposition would receive further comment, one has \[ \Gamma(x) = \limn \Gamma(x,n) \ , \] where $\Gamma(x,n)$ is defined by \[\Gamma(x,n)=\int_0^n t^{x-1}\bal{1-\frac{t}{n}}^n dt\int:\ ,\ n\geq 1\ .\] The substitution in which \ $t$ \ is replaced by \ $nt$ \ leads to the formula \[ \Gamma(x,n) = n^x \int_0^1 t^{x-1} (1 - t)^n dt\int: \ . \] This integral for $\Gamma(x,n)$ is amenable to integration by parts. One finds thereby: \[ \Gamma(x,n)=\frac{1}{x}\bal{\frac{n}{n-1}}^{x+1}\Gamma(x+1,n-1)\ ,n \geq 2 \ . \] For the smallest value of $n$, \ $n = 1$ \ , the integration by parts yields: \[ \Gamma(x,1) = \frac{1}{x(x+1)} \ . \] Iterating the integration by parts \ $n-1$ \ times, one obtains: \[ \Gamma(x,n) = n^x \frac{n!}{x(x+1)(x+2)\cdots(x+n)} \ , \ n \geq 1 \ . \] Thus, one arrives at the formula \[ \Gamma(x) = \limn n^x \frac{n!}{x(x+1)(x+2)\cdots(x+n)} \ . \] This last formula is not exactly in the form of an infinite product \[ \stdprod{k} p_k \prod: = \limn \prod_{k=1}^n p_k\prod: \ . \] But a simple trick enables one to maneuver it into such an infinite product. One writes \ $n$ \ as a ``collapsing product'': \[n+1=\frac{n+1}{n}\frac{n}{n-1}\cdots\frac{3}{2}\frac{2}{1} \] or \[ n+1 = \prod_{k=1}^n \npfrac{1}{k}\prod: \] and likewise \[ n^x = \prod_{k=1}^n \npfrac{1}{k}^x\prod: , \] so that \[ \Gamma(x) = \frac{1}{x} \limn \prod_{k=1}^n \frac{\npfrac{1}{k}^x}{\npfrac{x}{k}}\prod: \ , \] or \[\Gamma(x)=\frac{1}{x}\stdprod{k} \frac{\npfrac{1}{k}^x}{\npfrac{x}{k}}\prod:\ .\] The convergence of this infinite product for $\Gamma(x)$ when $x > 0$ is a consequence, through the various maneuvers performed, of the convergence of the original improper integral defining $\Gamma(x)$ for $x > 0$. It is now possible to represent $\log\Gamma(x)$ as the sum of an infinite series by taking the logarithm of the infinite product formula. But first it must be noted that \[ \frac{(1+t)^r}{1 + rt} > 0 \ \ \mbox{for} \ t > 0 \ , \ \ r > 0 \ . \] Hence, the logarithm of each term in the preceding infinite product is defined when $x > 0$. Taking the logarithm of the infinite product one finds: \[ \log \Gamma(x) = - \log x + \stdsum{k} u_k(x)\sum: \ , \] where \[ u_k(x) = x\log\npfrac{1}{k}-\log\npfrac{x}{k} \ . \] It is, in fact, almost true that this series converges absolutely for \emph{all} real values of $x$. The only problem with non-positive values of $x$ lies in the fact that $\log(x)$ is meaningful only for $x > 0$, \ and, therefore, $\log(1+x/k)$ is meaningful only for $k > |x|$. For fixed $x$, if one excludes the finite set of terms $u_k(x)$ for which $k \leq |x|$, \ then the remaining ``tail'' of the series is meaningful and is absolutely convergent. To see this one applies the ``ratio comparison test'' which says that an infinite series converges absolutely if the ratio of the absolute value of its general term to the general term of a convergent positive series exists and is finite. For this one may take as the ``test series'', the series \[ \stdsum{k} \frac{1}{k^2}\sum: \ . \] Now as \ $k$ \ approaches \ $\infty$, \ $t = 1/k$ \ approaches $0$, and so \begin{eqnarray}[:nonum="true"] \limk\frac{u_k(x)}{1/k^2} & = & \limt\frac{x\log(1+t)-\log(1+xt)}{t^2} \\ ~ & = & \limt\frac{\frac{x}{1+t}-\frac{x}{1+xt}}{2t} \\ ~ & = & \limt\frac{x[(1+xt)-(1+t)]}{2t(1+t)(1+xt)} \\ ~ & = & \frac{x(x-1)}{2} \ . \end{eqnarray} Hence, the limit of $|u_k(x)/k^{-2}|$ is $|x(x-1)/2|$, and the series $\sum u_k(x)\sum:$ is absolutely convergent for all real $x$. The absolute convergence of this series foreshadows the possibility of defining $\Gamma(x)$ for all real values of $x$ other than non-positive integers. This may be done, for example, by using the functional equation \[ \Gamma(x+1) = x \Gamma(x) \] or \[ \Gamma(x) = \frac{1}{x} \Gamma(x + 1) \] to define $\Gamma(x)$ for $-1 < x < 0$ and from there to $-2 < x < -1$, etc. Taking the derivative of the series for $\log\Gamma(x)$ term-by-term -- once again a step that would receive justification in a more careful treatment -- and recalling the previous notation $\psi(x)$ for the derivative of $\log\Gamma(x)$, one obtains \begin{eqnarray}[:nonum="true"] \psi(x) + \frac{1}{x} & = & \stdsum{k}\balbr{\log\npfrac{1}{k} -\frac{\frac{1}{k}}{\npfrac{x}{k}}}\sum:\\ ~ & = & \limn\sumkn\balbr{\log\frac{k+1}{k}-\frac{1}{x+k}}\sum: \\ ~ & = & \limn\balbr{\log(n+1)-\sumkn\frac{1}{x+k}\sum:} \\ ~ & = & \limn\balbr{\log(n+1)-\sumkn\frac{1}{k}\sum: +\sumkn\bal{\frac{1}{k}-\frac{1}{x+k}}\sum:} \\ ~ & = & \limn\balbr{\log(n+1)-\sumkn\frac{1}{k}\sum: +x\sumkn\frac{1}{k(x+k)}\sum:} \\ ~ & = & -\gamma + x\stdsum{k}\frac{1}{k(x+k)}\sum: \ , \end{eqnarray} where $\gamma$ denotes Euler's constant \[ \gamma = \limn\bal{\sumkn\frac{1}{k}\sum: - \log n} \ . \] When $x = 1$ one has \[ \psi(1) = -1 - \gamma + \stdsum{k}\frac{1}{k(k+1)}\sum: \ , \] and since \[ \frac{1}{k(k+1)} = \frac{1}{k} - \frac{1}{k+1} \ , \] this series collapses and, therefore, is easily seen to sum to $1$. Hence, \[ \psi(1) = - \gamma \ , \ \ \psi(2) = \psi(1) + 1/1 = 1 - \gamma \ . \] Since \ $\Gamma'(x) = \psi(x)\Gamma(x)$, \ one finds: \[ \Gamma'(1) = - \gamma \ , \] and \[ \Gamma'(2) = 1 - \gamma \ . \] \end{document}