Command-line utilities by William F. Hammond
- CONV [character-to-string CONVerter]
- A command-line tool for making arbitrary character-to-string
substitutions. Although this was originally designed for handling
MTE-related conversions involving "control
characters" and characters corresponding to "high ASCII" codes
(byte values larger than 127), it is a general tool. Each
invocation requires the command-line specification of a conversion
table. Example conversion tables are available.
- FWID [Fix WIDth]
- A command-line tool for adjusting the width of a text file.
While this function can be carried out in many editors and
word-processors, there are times (such as the middle of a
pipeline) when it is not convenient to have such manual
intervention. The related utility WCW reports the width
of an existing file.
- WCW [Word Count with Width]
- A command-line tool for determining the width of a file along
with standard *IX "wc" information: number of lines, number of
words, and number of characters. In alternative usage it reports
the width of each line. The related utility FWID may be used to
adjust the width of a text file.
- XCHO [heX-capable eCHO]
- This is a utility that was originally written as a pipeline primer
for use with Bourne and C shells. It differs from standard "echo"
only in that there is a large set of "shell-safe" escape sequences
using '#' as the escaping character. More recently, it has become
useful for poking at gopherds and httpds to see what they are
really saying.