A Reading of Karl Rubin's SUMO Slides on
Rational Right Triangles and Elliptic Curves

Algebra Seminar Presentation

April 5, 2000

Error correction 11 April 2008



  1. Karl Rubin's SUMO Web Slides and his AMS Lecture (Jan. 2000) at

  2. J. B. Tunnell, “A classical Diophantine problem and modular forms of weight 32”, Inventiones Mathematicae, v. 72 (1983), pp. 323–334.

  3. Neal Koblitz, Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms, 2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag, GTM Series.

Congruent numbers

  1. Rational right triangles.

  2. Similarity classes all represented by rational points on unit circle.

  3. When a scaling is performed, area is multiplied by the square of the scaling factor.

  4. Area of a similarity class: a positive rational modulo rational squares.

  5. Similarity classes all represented by triangles with square-free area.

  6. Congruent numbers: square-free representatives for the areas of similarity classes of rational right triangles.

  7. Which square-free numbers are congruent numbers?

    • A question with a long history (see Dickson's History).

    • Fermat: 1 is not a congruent number. (This question leads to the Diophantine equation x4+y4=z2, which has no solution with positive integers.)

The rational parameterization

  1. Parameterize via stereographic projection: vuu2v2,2uv,u2+v2.

  2. Questions:

  3. Enumerate rational numbers vu

    • Some numbers are found to be congruent:

      Enumeration Table
      v/uabcd d (mod 8)
      12 3 4 5 6 6
      13 4 3 5 6 6
      23 5 12 13 30 6
      14 152 4 172 15 7
      34 72 12 252 21 5
      15 12 5 13 30 6
      25 21 20 29 210 2
      35 4 152 172 15 7
      45 32 203 416 5 5
      16 35 12 37 210 2
      56 11 60 61 330 2
      17 12 72 252 21 5
      27 15 283 533 70 6
      37 20 21 29 210 2
      47 332 28 652 231 7
      57 12 35 37 210 2
      67 13 84 85 546 2
    • Congruent numbers arising with rational numbers having denominator up to 100

      There are 3043 positive rational numbers smaller than 1 with denominator at most 100. Of these 1906 give rise to the first occurrence of a (square-free) congruent number via the rational parameterization. The largest congruent number so generated from these rationals is the number 34009170.

      d At Most 100 Occurring For Denominator Up To 100

        d   d mod (8) u/v How often?
      5 5 45 2
      6 6 12 4
      7 7 916 2
      14 6 18 2
      15 7 14 2
      21 5 34 2
      22 6 4950 2
      30 6 23 2
      34 2 89 6
      39 7 1213 2
      41 1 1625 2
      46 6 4972 1
      65 1 49 4
      70 6 27 2
      78 6 126 2
      85 5 3685 1

  4. Limitations of this method

    • No algorithm for finding (in finite time) if a given square-free number is congruent.

    • No way to decide if a given square-free number is the congruent number for infinitely many similarity classes.

  5. 157 is a congruent number that arises in the enumeration based on the rational parameterization with a denominator having about 25 digits (Zagier).

Connection with Elliptic Curves

  1. Basic Proposition (Attributable to ?) If a,b,c are postive real numbers for which c2=a2+b2, then the points x1,y1 and x2,y2 given by x1=aca2y1=±a2ca2x2=ac+a2y2=±a2c+a2 lie on the plane curve Ed defined by the equation y2=x3d2x. Conversely, if x,y is a point on Ed with y0, then the triple a,b,c given by a=x2d2y   b=2xdy   c=x2+d2y is the triple of sides of a right triangle with area d.

  2. If a, b, and c are rational, then Ed is an elliptic curve defined over the rational field. Moreover there is a 4:1 correspondence between rational points on the curve Ed and rational right triangles of area d.

  3. Definition. An elliptic curve defined over Q is the plane curve E given by an equation y2=x3+ax+b where a and b are rational and Δ=164a3+27b20. (Within the given isomorphism class over Q one may assume that a and b are integers.)

  4. Group law. The set EQ, augmented by a single “point at infinity”, forms an abelian group in which the point at infinity is the origin and the sum of any three points lying on a line is 0.

  5. Theorem (Mordell, 1922). EQ is a finitely-generated abelian group.

  6. Nagell-Lutz (1930's). If a and b are integers, then a point x,y on E can be a point of finite order only if x and y are integers and either y=0 or y2 divides Δ. .

  7. Mazur (1977). The torsion subgroup of EQ is one of 15 specific groups.

  8. Corollary. The only points of finite order on the curve Ed aside from the origin (at infinity) are the three points of order 2: 0,0 and ±d,0.

  9. Corollary. Rational right triangles of area d correspond 1:4 to elements of infinite order in EdQ.

  10. Corollary. If d is a congruent number, then there are infinitely many non-similar rational right triangles with area d.

  11. Question. How does one find the rank of EQ ?

  12. Fermat. The only rational points on E1 are the origin and the three points of order 2. . Hence, the rank of E1Q is 0.

The L-function

  1. Core idea for studying the rank (B + S-D). For each prime p let Np=EFp. Study the growth of pxNpp as x grows.

  2. Definition. Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q. Its L-function LEs=LE,s is defined by LE,s=Δ=0modp11cppsΔ0modp11cpps+p12s where cp=p+1EFp when E has non-singular reduction mod p and otherwise, in reference to the unique singular point of the reduction mod p, cp=1 if E has distinct rational tangents.1 if E has distinct irrational tangents.0 otherwise.

  3. Theorem. The L-function of every elliptic curve defined over the rationals is the Mellin transform of a modular form of weight 2. (Proof finished in 1999 — Shimura, Taniyama, Wiles, Breuil, Conrad, Diamond, Taylor).

  4. Corollary. The L-function has an analytic continuation to the plane, and LE,1 “is” the product of a non-zero constant with pxpNp.

  5. Conjecture (Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, ca. 1960). For any elliptic curve defined over the rational field Q rankEQ=ords=1LE,s. (The full statement is more precise.)

    Fact. Not a great deal is actually known about the rank of EQ in general. Perhaps 23 is the largest rank that is known to occur. Rubin's January AMS lecture dealt with this.

    Example. E5Q has rank 1 with generator 4,6.

    Example. E34Q has rank 2.

  6. Theorem (Kolyvagin, 1980's)?. If EdQ has positive rank, then LE,1=0.

    For CM elliptic curves this had been shown in the 1970's by Coates and Wiles. (The curve Ed is a CM curve.) In the CM case the modular curve theorem had been established by Shimura by 1970, so the analytic continuation of the L-function was known.

  7. Theorem (Gross & Zagier, mid-1980's?). If LE,s has a simple zero, i.e., vanishes to the first order, at s=1, then the rank of EQ is positive.

  8. The work of J. B. Tunnell. Tunnell used results of Waldspurger's study of “Shimura liftings” (weight 32) of the weight 2 modular form corresponding to the L-function, a then-known case of the modular curve theorem established by Shimura, to compute LEd,1.

    Define m and n by

    m = # integer x,y,z with x2+2ey2+8z2=de
    n = # integer x,y,z with x2+2ey2+32z2=de

    where e is 1 or 2 and edmod2.

    Theorem (Tunnell, 1983), as formulated by Rubin. LEd,1=m2n2eΩ16d where Ω=1dxx3x.

  9. Corollary. If d is congruent, then m=2n.

    Example. When d=1, then m=n=2, and LE1,1=Ω4. So, as Fermat showed using a different argument, 1 is not a congruent number.

  10. Consequence of the B + S-D Conjecture. If m=2n, then d is congruent.

  11. Example. If d5mod8, then m=n=0.

  12. If B + S-D is true, then there is an algorithm for deciding whether or not a given square-free integer d is a congruent number.