Contain ordinary text and mathematical content.
Need realization on paper and on computer networks.
What are our requirements for mathematical articles?
An example will indicate the scope of the task.
The gamma function may be defined in a suitable right-half plane by an integral, which essentially amounts to Fourier transform relative to the multiplicative group of postive real numbers of the reciprocal exponential function, and then extended to a meromorphic function in the complex plane with entire reciprocal. The following formula represents a variant of its Weierstrass product expansion: The product manifests simple poles at zero and each of the negative integers.
From a Single Source:
A typeset version of high quality for paper preprints.
An online version for a web preprint.
A typeset version of high quality meeting the requirements of a journal chosen after the time of writing.
universally accessible.
re-scalable and re-sizable.
searchable for mathematical content.
“clippable” for mathematical content.
LaTeX is the most widely used TeX variant.
Texinfo is the TeX variant most suited to multiple presentations from a single source, but it is limited in regard to mathematics
Context by Hans Hagen is new and worth a look. It was the basis of an astounding graphics presentation at TUG 2001.
Context and latex both provide ways to write formatters for XML documents.
Intuitive Authoring Systems: the WYSIWYG Idea
Write HTML and Translate From There.
Write LaTeX and Translate From There.
WYSIWYG stands for “what you see is what you get”. But what one sees on a screen may not be the same as what one sees on paper. This issue is compounded for source documents that admit multiple formattings.
A standard answer to those who inquire about WYSIWYG is that WYSIWYG really means WYSIAYG: “what you see is all you get”.
Standard with Common “Word Processors”
Available for LaTeX.
Available for SGML Systems.
Easy for Easy Tasks.
OK for Very Simple Documents.
Hard for Hard Tasks.
Slow for Those Who Write Frequently.
Insufficiently Rich for Mathematics.
Insufficiently Abstract.
Inapplicable to Multiple Formattings.
Some say WYSIAYG: “what you see is all you get”.
Format-specific hanging indentation commands.
Use of abstract list structures.
No Math in HTML
HTML Generally Less Rich Than LaTeX
Special characters are translation headaches.
Examples: # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { } < >
Almost Impossible
Good Structure a Help
May Require Human Intervention
Need to Proof Read Twice
htlatex in the TeXLive 6 distribution is remarkably good.
Data Under a Template for Translation.
Enforced Separation of Content and Presentation.
Universal Exchange.
Originated by
Many Templates
Synonym for XML Template:
Two worlds
Classical Documents:
Examples: HTML, Docbook, TEI, …
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Example: Graham William's TeX Catalogue found on CTAN
Superseded my earlier ideas:
Strictly controlled dialect of LaTeX.
Adapting Texinfo (already suitable for multiple formattings).
Relation to the Goals:
No present full realization of online version goals.
Proof that full realization of all goals and more is possible.
Generalized Extensible LaTeX-Like MarkUp |
A markup interface for writing (SGML or) XML.
LaTeX-like notation more succinct than that of XML.
Extensible using GELLMU's \newcommand with arguments. (SGML has no analogue of macros with arguments.)
Article prepared under a template for processing by latex, the Program.
Article prepared under a template for processing by many programs.
It is a small step from LaTeX source to GELLMU source.
Text + Commands
A command is a function that operates on text.
A command may take a non-negative number of arguments.
LaTeX-Like Source.
Syntactic Translation to SGML.
Translation of SGML to Enriched XML.
Various Formattings of Enriched XML.
Each stage presents opportunities for customizing.
Each output format is the result of successive transforms.
Additional intermediate transforms can be provided.
These slides were prepared using a special formatting of regular GELLMU's article.
The source markup for these slides is as readable as ordinary LaTeX source.
source markup XML or SGML |
Command names (element names) may contain numbers.
Example: \frac23 is a command name.
Arguments must be delimited with braces or brackets.
No white space between command name and first argument delimiter.
No white space between delimiters of successive arguments.
Bracketed arguments may not be optional.
for generating the XML:
to produce:
the WWW Consortium site |
Intended as a first XML document type for LaTeX authors
Sits in the middle between
What LaTeX authors are accustomed to.
What high end XML people think is needed.
Room to adjust and expand.
(not by automatic translation) |
Viewing support for MathML in web pages is not yet widely available. The above item can be rendered by:
W3C's Amaya: wprod.html or wprod.xml.
With special plugin for MSIE: wprod.html (only).
Ad hoc wprod.html was made from GELLMU source:
The short article form (slide 28) of GELLMU source above could be given automatic translation to MathML.
An automatic translation should go through content MathML and from there to presentation MathML.
An automatic translation would not be under the umbrella of general XML processing.
Reliable translation will require:
Source markup labeling of math symbols.
Source markup typing of math symbols.
For more information:
GELLMU source for these slides is on the web: