\documenttype{article} \surtitle{Dept of Mathematics \& Statistics: Algebra Prelims} \title{Preliminary Examination in Algebra} \subtitle{Department of Mathematics \& Statistics} \date{August, 2005} \nobanner \newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\Zmod}[1]{\Z/#1\Z} \newcommand{\FF}[1]{\mathbb{F}_{#1}} \newcommand{\gln}[2]{\mbox{GL}_{#1}(#2)} \newcommand{\sln}[2]{\mbox{SL}_{#1}(#2)} \compacttitle \newcommand{\lsl}[2]{% \latexcommand{\bsl;setlength\{\bsl;#1\}\{#2\}}} \lsl{headheight}{0bp} \lsl{headsep}{0bp} \lsl{topmargin}{-36bp} \lsl{textheight}{704bp} \begin{document} \bold{Directions:} \ \ There are 8 questions, all of the same weight. Please take the time to ensure accuracy and completeness, especially for the questions you find easiest. (Completeness does not mean excessive verbosity. You should not attempt to prove standard propositions that you cite except where the proof of a standard proposition is explicitly sought.) The ring of integers will be denoted by $\Z$ and its field of fractions by $\Q$\aos; \begin{enumerate} %G \item Prove that a non-abelian group of order $2p$, $p$ an odd prime, must have a trivial center. %L \item When $F$ is a field, let $\gln{n}{F}$ denote the group of all invertible $n \times n$ matrices in $F$ under the operation of matrix multiplication, and let $\sln{n}{F}$ denote its subgroup defined by restricting to matrices of determinant $1$. Find a subgroup $H$ of $\gln{n}{F}$ such that $\gln{n}{F}$ is isomorphic to the semi-direct product of $H$ with $\sln{n}{F}$. %F \item Prove that the number of elements in any finite field must be a prime power. %R \item Let $\Zmod{m}$ denote the ring of integers modulo $m$. Let $r,s$ be positive integers. \begin{enumerate} \item What element of $\Z$ generates the ideal $r\Z + s\Z$? \item What is the kernel of the canonical ring homomorphism $\Zmod{rs} \longrightarrow \Zmod{r} \times \Zmod{s}$? \item Find an integer $t$ such that $\Zmod{r} \otimes \Zmod{s} \cong \Zmod{t}$. \end{enumerate} %L \item Let $M$ be a $3 \times 3$ matrix over the rational field $\Q$ whose characteristic polynomial is \[ t^3 + 2t^2 - 4t - 8 \ \eos; \] Find: \begin{enumerate} \item all possible sequences of (polynomial) invariant factors for $M$. \item representatives of the different possible similarity classes of such matrices $M$. \end{enumerate} %G \item For any integer $n \geq 3$ let $D_n$ denote the $n$th dihedral group, i.e., the group of order $2n$ that is the semi-direct product of the cylic group $\Zmod{n}$ with $\Zmod{2}$ for the unique non-trivial action (by automorphisms) of the latter on the former, or, equivalently, the group of symmetries of a regular $n$-gon. \begin{enumerate} \item Describe $D_n$ by generators and relations. \item Show that every automorphism of the dihedral group $D_3$ is inner, i.e., is the conjugation by some element of $D_3$. \item Show that for any $n$ odd, $n \geq 5$, the dihedral group $D_n$ has an automorphism that is not inner. \end{enumerate} %F \item For any integer $n > 1$, explain how to find a field $K$ and a polynomial $f(x)\in K [x]$ of degree $n$ so that $L = K [x]/(f(x))$ is a Galois field extension of $K$ with cyclic Galois group of order $n$. %R \item Let $\FF{p}$ denote the field $\Zmod{p}$ of $p$ elements. In $\mbox{M}_n(\FF{p})$, the ring of $n \times n$ matrices with entries in $\FF{p}$, let $N$ be the $n \times n$ Jordan block matrix with $1$'s on the first superdiagonal (and $0$'s everywhere else including the main diagonal). Let $\FF{p} [N]$ be the $\FF{p}$-algebra of polynomials with coefficients in $\FF{p}$ evaluated at $N$, let $U$ be the group of units in $\FF{p} [N] $. \begin{enumerate} \item Describe the elements of $U$. \item Find the exponent of $U$ when $p > n$. \item Describe the isomorphism type of $U$ as a finite abelian group when $p > n$. \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{document}