\documenttype{article} % This is a GELLMU file used to generate the HTML and LaTeX versions. % \base{href="file://localhost/math/local/dept/prelims/hammond/"} \surtitle{} \title{Ph.D. Preliminary Examination in Algebra} \date{June 4, 1999} \nogratlinks \nobanner \latexcommand{\bsl;setlength\{\bsl;topmargin\}\{0bp\}} \latexcommand{\bsl;setlength\{\bsl;headsep\}\{-18bp\}} \latexcommand{\bsl;setlength\{\bsl;textheight\}\{684bp\}} \begin{document} \begin{enumerate} \item Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ matrix with entries in the field $\mbox{\bold{C}}$ of complex numbers that satisfies the relation \(A^2 = A \). Show that $A$ is similar to a diagonal matrix which has only $0$'s and $1$'s along the diagonal. \item Furnish examples of the following: \begin{enumerate} \item A finite group that is solvable but not abelian. \item A finite group whose center is a proper subgroup of order $2$\aos \item A nested sequence of finite groups \(G, \hsp H, \hsp K\) with $H$ a normal subgroup of $G$ and $K$ a normal subgroup of $H$ such that $K$ is not a normal subgroup of $G$\aos \end{enumerate} \item Let $p$ be the polynomial \(p(t) = t^5 + t^2 + 1\) regarded as an element of the ring \(A = \mbox{\bold{F}}_2 [t]\) of polynomials with coefficients in the field \(\mbox{\bold{F}}_2\) of two elements. Show that $p$ is irreducible, and then find a polynomial of degree at most $4$ with the property that its residue class modulo the ideal $p A$ generates the entire multiplicative group of units in the quotient ring \(A / p A \). \item Let $G$ be a finite group of order $N$\aoc\hsp and let $n$ be a positive integer that divides $N$\aos Do \bold{one} of the following: \begin{enumerate} \item Prove that if $G$ is abelian, then $G$ contains a subgroup of order $n$\aos \item Find an example of \(G, \hsp N, \hsp n\) as above where $G$ has no subgroup of order $n$\aos \end{enumerate} \item Show that every group of order $30$ contains a normal cyclic subgroup of order $15$\aos \item Let $F$ be the field \(\mbox{\bold{Q}}(i)\) where \( i = \sqrt{-1} \in \mbox{\bold{C}}\),\spc and let $E$ be the splitting field over $F$ of the polynomial \( f(t) = t^4 - 5 \). Find: \begin{enumerate} \item the extension degree \hsp$[E:F]$\aos \item the group \(\mbox{Aut}_F(E)\) of all automorphisms of $E$ that fix $F$\aos \end{enumerate} \item Let \(\mbox{\bold{F}}_2\) be the field of $2$ elements, and let $R$ be the commutative ring \[ R \spc = \spc \mbox{\bold{F}}_2 [t]/t^3 \mbox{\bold{F}}_2 [t] \hsp . \] \begin{enumerate} \item How many elements does $R$ contain? \item What is the characteristic of $R$\aoq \item Find all ring homomorphisms \( R \hsp \rightarrow \hsp R \). \end{enumerate} \item Let \(a, b, c, d\) be elements of a field $F$\aoc\hsp let \(A, B, C, D\) be $n \times n$ matrices over $F$\aoc\hsp and let \[ m \spc=\spc\bal{\begin{mtable}{rr}\tr\td a\td b\tr\td c\td d\end{mtable}} \text{\spc\spc\spc and \spc\spc\spc} M \spc=\spc\bal{\begin{mtable}{rr}\tr\td A\td B\tr\td C\td D\end{mtable}} \spc\eos \] If \(\lambda : \hsp F^2 \rightarrow F^2\) and \(\Lambda : \hsp F^{2n} \rightarrow F^{2n}\) denote the linear endomorphisms corresponding (relative to standard coordinates) to $m$ and $M$\aoc respectively, then to what linear endomorphism that may be constructed from $\lambda$ and $\Lambda$ may one relate the $4n \times 4n$ (Kronecker product) matrix \[ \bal{\begin{mtable}{rrrr} \tr\td aA \td bA \td aB \td bB \tr\td cA \td dA \td cB \td dB \tr\td aC \td bC \td aD \td bD \tr\td cC \td dC \td cD \td dD \end{mtable}} \spc\eoq\] Explain your answer. \end{enumerate} \end{document}