\documenttype{article} % This is a GELLMU file used to generate the HTML and LaTeX versions. % \base{href="file://localhost/math/local/dept/prelims/hammond/"} \surtitle{} \title{Ph.D. Preliminary Examination in Algebra} \date{June 9, 2000} \nogratlinks \nobanner \latexcommand{\bsl;setlength\{\bsl;topmargin\}\{0bp\}} \latexcommand{\bsl;setlength\{\bsl;headsep\}\{-18bp\}} \latexcommand{\bsl;setlength\{\bsl;textheight\}\{684bp\}} \begin{document} \begin{enumerate} \item Let $X$ be any set, $F$ any field, and $F^X$ the set of maps from $X$ to $F$\aos; $F^X$ is endowed with the structure of a vector space over $F$ using \quophrase{pointwise} addition and multiplication by scalars. Prove that a finite sequence $f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n$ of elements of $F^X$ is linearly independent if and only if there is a finite sequence of elements $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n$ in $X$ for which the $n \times n$ determinant $\mbox{det}\bal{f_i(x_j)}$ is non-zero. \item Find a complete set of representatives for the isomorphism classes of finite abelian groups of order~$1001$\aos \item Let $K$ be the splitting field over the field $\mbox{Q}$ of rational numbers of the polynomial \[ f(x) = x^5 - x^4 + x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 \ \eos; \] \begin{enumerate} \item What are the possible values for the \bold{minimum} degree among the irreducible factors of a polynomial of degree $5$\aoq \item Write $f$ as the product of factors irreducible over $\mbox{R}$\aos \item Write $f$ as the product of factors irreducible over $\mbox{Q}$\aos \item What is the degree of $K$ over $\mbox{Q}$\aoq \item What is the Galois group of $K$ over $\mbox{Q}$\aoq \end{enumerate} \item Show that if two square matrices of the same finite size over a field are similar in a larger field then they must be similar in the original field. \item Let $F$ be a field, and let $A$ be the quotient ring \[ A = {F\lsb;t, x, y, z\rsb;}/{(t z - x y) F\lsb;t, x, y, z\rsb;} \] where $t, x, y, z$ are independent transcendentals over $F$\aos \begin{enumerate} \item Show that $A$ has no zero divisors. \item Explain briefly why $A$ is Noetherian. \item Is $A$ a unique factorization domain? (Either prove that it is or exhibit an example of something that does not factor uniquely according to the usual criteria for such uniqueness.) \end{enumerate} \item Let $E$ be a finite extension of a field $F$\aos \begin{enumerate} \item Outline an argument for showing that if $F$ is a finite field, then $E$ is a cyclic Galois extension of~$F$\aos \item Provide an example where $F$ is a field of characteristic $5$ and $E$ is an extension of $F$ of degree $5$ that is not a Galois extension of $F$\aos \item For any given field $K$ explain how to obtain an extension $F$ of $K$ and a finite extension $E$ of $F$ for which $E$ is a Galois extension of $F$ with Galois group isomorphic to the symmetric group $S_n$ (consisting of the permutations of $n$ objects). \end{enumerate} \item Let $\mbox{\bold{F}}_3$ denote the field of $3$ elements. \begin{enumerate} \item What is the cardinality of $2$-dimensional Cartesian space $\mbox{\bold{F}}_3 \times \mbox{\bold{F}}_3$ over $\mbox{\bold{F}}_3$\aoq \item Let $N$ denote cardinality of the group $\mbox{GL}_2(\mbox{\bold{F}}_3)$ of linear automorphisms of $\mbox{\bold{F}}_3 \times \mbox{\bold{F}}_3$\aos\brk; Compute $N$\aos \item Observe that the multiplicative group $\mbox{\bold{F}}_3^{*}$ is the unique group of order $2$ and furthermore that: \begin{enumerate} \item Multiplication by invertible scalars gives rise to a homomorphism $\phi$ from $\mbox{\bold{F}}_3^{*}$ to $\mbox{GL}_2(\mbox{\bold{F}}_3)$. \item The determinant gives rise to a homomorphism $\psi$ from $\mbox{GL}_2(\mbox{\bold{F}}_3)$ to $\mbox{\bold{F}}_3^{*}$ \end{enumerate} Explain why the kernel of $\psi$ and the cokernel of $\phi$ both have the same cardinality. \item Is the kernel of $\psi$ isomorphic to the cokernel of $\phi$\aoq \end{enumerate} \item Prove over \emph{any commutative ring} (with $1$) that two isomorphic free modules of finite rank must have the same rank. \end{enumerate} \end{document}