Written Assignment No. 4

due Monday, November 21, 2005

General Directions: Written assignments should be submitted typeset. What you submit must represent your own work.

Assigned Exercises

  1. Let A be a domain. Prove that the group of units in the polynomial ring A [x] is isomorphic to the group of units in A.

  2. Let F be a finite field with |F| = q. Let R be the set of all functions F ----> F. Observe that the number |R| of such functions is q^{q}. Observe that R is an abelian group under pointwise addition of functions, i.e.,

     (f + g)(x)  =  f(x) + g(x)  , 

    and that R becomes a ring when multiplication is defined pointwise, i.e.,

     (f · g)(x)  =  f(x)g(x)    . 

    1. What ring homomorphism phi : F [x] --> R has the properties that (i) phi applied to a polynomial of degree 0 is the corresponding constant function and (ii) phi applied to the polynomial x is the identity function?

    2. Find a polynomial of degree q in the kernel of phi.

    3. What is the kernel of phi?

    4. Show that phi is surjective.